Vue Js Count number of item/element in Array: In Vue.js, you can easily count the number of items or elements present in an array using the native JavaScript length method. The length property can be used to retrieve or modify the number of elements present in an array. This can be useful in scenarios where you need to check if an array has any elements or if it has a specific number of elements. The length property can also be used to dynamically display the number of elements in an array on your webpage. With the help of this method, you can easily manipulate and work with arrays in Vue.js.
What is the length or number of elements present in the given array?
This code uses the Vue.js framework to create an app with an array of countries and a result variable. The app contains a method called “myFunction” that sets the result variable to the length of the array. When the app is mounted to the DOM element with the ID “app”, the myFunction method is called, which updates the result variable to the length of the array.
You can use the array.prototype.length
vanilla javascript method in Vue.js to get length of array , as given simply below:
Vue JS Get Array Length Example
<div id="app">
<p>Array : {{array}}</p>
<button @click="myFunction">Get length</button>
<p>Length: {{result}}</p>
<script type="module">
import { createApp } from 'vue'
result : ''
this.result = this.array.length;
The Output of above example is given below:
How can you retrieve the length of an object in Vue.js?
This article demonstrates how to obtain the “object length” in Vue JS by explaining how to get the length of an array or object. If you are familiar with JavaScript or jQuery, you might already know how to get the length of an array using the length property. Similarly, in VueJS, you can obtain the object length by counting it. Moreover, you can also check the object length in Vue JS using similar technique
Vue js object length | Example
<div id="app">
<p>Object : {{carProperty}}</p>
<button @click="myFunction">Get length</button>
<p>Length: {{result}}</p>
<script type="module">
import { createApp } from 'vue'
'carName':'Venue' ,
'price': 1000000,
'model': 'hyundai',
result : ''
this.result = Object.keys(this.carProperty).length
The Output of abov example is given below:
How can you use v-if to conditionally render an element based on the length of an array in Vue.js?
In Vue.js, you can use v-if to conditionally render an element based on the length of an array. If the length of the array is greater than 0, you can display a div using the v-if directive. This means that if the array is empty, nothing will be displayed on the page. You can easily test this functionality using an online editor, which allows you to modify and execute sample code. By using v-if with array length, you can create dynamic and responsive applications that adjust their content based on the data available in the arrays.
Vue js v-if with array length | Example
<div id="app">
<button @click="myFunction">Get length</button>
<p v-if="this.demo.length > 0">Length: {{demo}}</p>
<script type="module">
import { createApp } from 'vue'